The hand that makes the hand that feeds. I got into woodworking in the wake of a master class with Walter Murch, when he said he liked editing at a standing station, as this made him feel like he was working. I then set about building a drafting table and have kept going. Woodwork, light construction, and installation require focus, spatial sense, workflow, a touch, and importantly, taking something to conclusion. It has been essential to my filmmaking. Says Bresson, “a good craftsman loves the board he planes.”
Playscapes (with and for Alex Enarson-Hering)
Park 583 - The Stone Spiral Water Feature
Sculpture and Installation (for and with John Preus)
Lincoln's Lectern at Gettysburg (from "Adaptations")
Full Kitchen with Bartek (Walnut veneer mdf, Maple drawers)